Christie Saunders, President

NTEU, Chapter 224

Brothers and Sisters,

Happy October and Happy New Fiscal Year. Luckily, we avoided the latest government shutdown threat. As you know, Congress passed a continuing resolution that keeps the federal government operating until December 3, 2021. In the interim, I submitted a bargaining demand regarding the impact and implementation of future government shutdowns. As December 3 is only a few weeks away, here are a few things to keep in mind in the event of a government shutdown.

  1. If you have an appointment to be vaccinated during a shutdown, you will receive up to four hours of duty time.

  2. If you have symptoms or side effects post vaccination, an excepted employee can request to be placed in furlough status for up to sixteen (16) hours.

  3. Excepted employees who work during a shutdown will not receive pay for hours worked until a budget is passed

4. Leave will be cancelled during a government shutdown; however, an employee can request to be placed in “furloughed status” so that they can be absent. The Agency confirmed this yesterday afternoon. Their response was, “For absences of excepted employees during the lapse in appropriations, we will advise employees to request furlough time since that is the more advantageous option for them and because we cannot post any leave until the lapse has ended.”


The Agency has announced that they will offer liberal leave the day after Thanksgiving. Employees are not required to take leave that day, but leave will be granted if requested.


We were proud to announce that the Agency agreed to reduce the performance expectation to 90%. This was a long time coming. NTEU and AFGE have beat this drum for a while, especially in light of the pandemic. While we were staunch advocates for this change, we must also recognize middle management and OHO leaders who also advocated for this change. This was a win for everyone.

I received questions about why the threshold to receive a five (5) in achieve business results remained at 115%. While the basic expectation has increased since implementation, from 70 to 95, the 115% has remained the same. This is unlikely to change.

Both NTEU and OHO leadership recognize that the MOU provisions will provide additional relief to our employees. The MOU contains language that will further expand the AWT further to include some factors beyond our control.

During recent brown bag lunch meetings, which allow employees to interact with and ask questions of OHO leadership, employees expressed frustration with DWPI. Their stories echo the stories we have shared with the Agency for the last few years. You know the stories because you deal with these issues daily. The expectation is difficult to reach and maintain. One case can wreak havoc on your DWPI. Moreover, the mix of the CEO workload and drafting makes it is more difficult to catch up. The MOU should provide some relief. We will share more information as soon it is available.

Return to the office

As you know, NTEU covers local office meetings to keep track of important matters. Recently, I received information that at least two local management teams suggested that offices were preparing for our return.

While local offices are installing plexiglass shields and gathering supplies, the Agency still has not informed the unions about the reentry plan. In fact, they contend that they do not have a plan; however, we do not believe that. (And if that is true, we have lots of concerns). At this point, all we know is that the plan will be a phased approach that will likely start with in-person hearings. We know that a few offices are now using VHRs and expect more VHRs to come back soon.

NTEU continues to push the Agency for some assurance that all NTEU employees (depending on portability of work) will be able to telework up to four days a week once we return to the office. We continue to discuss remote work, which allows employees to telework full-time; however, we recognize the impact and issues that could arise with remote work.

In closing, I want to share this quote, “Union organizing isn’t about signing cards, it’s about empowering people and changing lives.” This hit home for me this week when I came across my Dad’s Steelworker’s Union Membership card that he signed in 1969. The Union is not here to simply boost membership, but instead to empower the employees we represent and make their lives better. That’s what we do.
………for the full text, click here ………

In solidarity,

Christie Saunders,

President, NTEU Chapter 22